What is it about ‘getting better’ either from a cold, an injury, a chronic condition or a deep rooted pattern that seems so hard to overcome?

Why have we forgotten how powerful we actually are?

Why have we forgotten that we have much more control than we believe we have?

We live in a society, which has been millenia in the making, where personal accountability and responsibility have been put into the hands of ‘others’. We have so many ‘real’ responsibilities these days, like paying rent, paying bills, ensuring others around us are ok or making sure we are living up to the expectations of others, that we have forgotten how to look after ourselves…..how to truly look after ourselves.

We are constantly bombarded on tv, social media etc, that we are not enough….that we need to have this product at this ‘special price’ and then we will be better; or we need to take this new breakthrough supplement and then we will be the fittest, hottest, healthiest person on the planet and then ‘everything’ will be fantastic all the time.

The personal accountability and responsibility I speak of is not something external; it is lives inside us. It is our NATURAL state, it is a power that most of us doesn’t even realise exists. Why? Because, people living from their own POWER cannot be sold to, they cannot be manipulated, they cannot be intimidated. They live each day on their terms, they know that life happens and that sometimes things can get real shitty, but they KNOW that they have the internal stability to choose how they want to deal with what has been presented to them.

So, then the question is…..how to I get that power? Answer is you already have it! It is already there to be unleashed….but we need to take steps to get to it. We need to take responsibility for the food we eat, the fluids we drink, the people we surround ourselves with, the media that we allow ourselves to watch. But, the MOST important step we can take is to learn how to LOVE ourselves no matter what! How many of us can say that we truly love ourselves? If this was the most important action we took every day then everything would be easy.

We would make the right food choices; we would get the 7/8/9 hours sleep that our bodies so desperately crave; we would look for help when we really needed and not just soldier on through because we are embarrassed or don’t have enough or don’t have enough money. We would no longer beat the shit out of ourselves for not being healthy enough, for not being successful enough, for not being whatever enough!

This may sound really difficult, but it does not have to be. Start small….make one diet change that you KNOW will make a difference; go to bed one hour earlier (Netflix is probably, always going to be here anyway!), spend some time with your favourite person.

If you don’t know where to start, reach out. Ask someone.

Or, contact me for a FREE consultation. We will discuss your wellness goals and decide what plan of action is needed.

Remember, you are POWERFUL! It is your birth-right to live a life of JOY (no matter how far you away you seem to be from that)!

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Or, just call 01-5613014 and I will be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors. Full disclaimer