ReDefined – 6 week online, group facilitation and coaching course that guides you to connect with your Higher Self to redefine your self perception, self identity and self image!
When you use your intuition as your main guiding force, you are choosing to live from your Greatness
We begin this round June 19th 2023
Beta Pricing – €500 (while in beta mode)
(for additional 2 x 1:1 {1 hour} intuitive coaching sessions – €300)
Also, free access to the group coaching calls for all following rounds of Redefined and a private Facebook group for extra support and community
The perception we have of ourselves and the world impacts how we think, feel and act. If you have been ‘doing the work’ and you’re still feeling ‘the same’ or you have reached an inner plateau or ceiling, it’s likely that your self identity is keeping you stuck.
No matter what you are doing in life, building a business, creating new options, simply wanting to feel more connected to yourself or have more direction….there is an inner story and identity running telling you what is possible and what isn’t.
It is through accessing your Intuition that you get to truly redefine yourself. Your Higher Wisdom has a whole new, untapped story of who you are, waiting for you!
By the end of the 6 weeks, you will have….
- developed 2-3 new higher self identities that are supporting you going forward, so you receive more of who you truly are
- experienced a positive inner shift in how you feel and perceive yourself and likely be seeing outer momentum in what you are creating
- have a process that continually develops your confidence in your intuition, the more you use it the stronger it gets and the more you trust it
- my Higher Self Identification method that you can use every time you are going through a change/upgrade/new creation to ensure your self identity and story is supporting you
- the know-how to keep calibrating to your new inner story as you condition your body to more easily and predominantly feel the emotions of inner peace, self trust, connection, confidence, etc
- simple, yet powerful process to release ‘ego fixing’ – so to be able move your energy back into what you are creating
In these 6 weeks, we will cover…
Workshop 1 – Week 1
- How your self identity is the foundation of everything that you create or don’t create in life and why we believe we are who we are
- How to access and use your intuitive nature (intuition) to discover what your Higher Self Identity is so to move you forward in your business (or area of life)
Workshop 2 – Week 3
- Understanding of what structural tension is and how creating is structural and not personal (and how that can change your perception of what you believe is possible, without ever needing to ‘fix’ yourself or clear limiting beliefs)
- Neutralising the ego – important shadow work to ensure you are serving your new inner story and assimilating the new self-realisations as they happen.
Workshop 3 – Week 5
- Understanding the energetics and vibrational impact our identity holds in our creations and how sourcing an identity from higher realms truly creates transformation
- Using the principles of Alchemy so you know how to truly calibrate to your Higher Self Identity
And 6 weekly group coaching sessions to make sure you are fully supported
- you generate the inner alignment to take the true actions that are required for you to experience life differently and do this from a place of knowing (instead of hoping)
- you generate the space within you to allow yourself to thrive, love who you are becoming and really have trust and faith in yourself
- you begin to change your default feelings from overwhelm, guilt, boredom, frustration etc to presence, trust, excitement etc
- so that you move of out ‘fixing’ mode, what you think and believe is wrong with you and into a place of inner acceptance and creating
- You raise your core vibration to a predominant higher frequency
Do you often experience the following?
- Feel frustrated and at times tired that your external world isn’t showing back to you the results of all the inner work you have been doing? Left wondering “what is wrong with me?”
- Do you find it hard to know what direction you want to take?
- Do you sometimes (maybe often) feel guilty that you ‘just can’t be satisfied with what you already have’ and all you want to do is release the heart-ache of knowing there is something better?
And is all this leaving you feeling isolated, like no-one really gets what’s going on for you?
I get you, these were similar questions and feelings I had before I was introduced to this kind of intuitive work. Everything else I had tried hadn’t included me reconnecting with my intuition, (to be honest I didn’t believe I was ‘special enough’ to have access to my intuition).
I had gotten some amazing results, I did change a lot but something was still missing…that inner connection to myself, to my power
It was someone else (especially in business) telling me to do a, b, c so I could get x, y, z and it did bring me places but only so far, but something was still missing…I was still looking outside of myself for the answers and change.
I had to stop looking for the magic pill and realise that I create my transformation
In this course, yes I will be ‘telling’ you what to do…
but it will be YOU and your Higher Wisdom that is designing your new story.
And it will be YOU and your body that is raising to a new default emotional state
I hear you ask, but I’ve tried everything, why would this be any different?!
Because if you are reading this, it is likely that your intuition has not been included in your inner growth and transformation or you’ve been using your intuition to attempt to resolve your perceived limitations.
In this course we are taking a new path and stepping off the path of fixing, there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken. We are onto the path Greatness.
3 teaching/workshop sessions – (60 – 90 minutes) – (Recorded and replays available)
Workshop 1 – Monday June 19th @6pm – 7.30pm
Workshop 2 – Monday July 3rd @6pm – 7.30pm
Workshop 3 – Monday July 17th @6pm – 7.30pm
6 x group coaching sessions – Thursdays @6pm & Fridays @1pm (60 – 90 minutes)
Coaching sessions starting June 22nd
The smallest changes can have the greatest impact for us.
A change to our self identity through the wisdom of our intuition generates a profound foundational impact on how we perceive ourselves and the world.
So, if you have been doing ‘the work’, clearing the blocks, working on your mindset and still feeling the same and not creating the momentum you want for your business, your life, your creations….then join me as I guide YOU to create your new, intuitively sourced story about YOU.
To enter a new chapter, you must leave an old one behind.
Beta Pricing – €500 (while in beta mode)
(for additional 3 x 1:1 {1 hour} intuitive coaching sessions – €300)
Also, free access to the group coaching calls for all following rounds of Redefined