the This is a personal & recent story of the power of true end result focus and how our unconscious stories will do all they can to make us doubt our power to create what we want.
As some of you know I’m currently spending time between Valencia and Ibiza and to get around the island you really need a car…so I rented one.
I decided to stay at a place in the country side and the roads to the house were like a maze and very bumpy. To get there for the first time I was following behind someone who lived there.
In one moment I heard my inner guidance tell me…’go slightly to the left here’ and then I instantly overwrote that by telling myself…
‘no, she knows this road better so I’ll follow her path’
….and then full stop!
I’d landed the front right bumper into a small bush I hadn’t even noticed. My spacial awareness was off, steering wheel being on the opposite side than I’m used to.
That in itself, was such a teaching moment.

Back to the car…I had put a lovely big dent in the bumper!
And it sent me into complete panic mode!
I told the owner and of course insisted I get it fixed.
My inner victim was running the show at this stage, the only stories I was telling myself were

And the good old self shaming of…

My poor nervous system took a hammering through this whole experience.
Long story short, finding someone to fix it was impossible. I did get one quote for €300 and I said I wanted it fixed not replaced 

I’ve never felt so stuck, I knew I couldn’t leave the island until it was resolved and I couldn’t get myself out of victim mode to see all the other possibilities.
Following some advice from my amazing brother, I then knew it was completely possible that I could fix it myself.
But it was going to require me to tell a new story, to step into a Higher Self Identity so that I could focus fully on what I wanted.
And that meant focusing more on what I wanted than on the actually process of the bumper being fixed.
Obviously I required a process but so often we get lost in the details of will it work?
Can ‘I’ do it?
‘I wish someone else would do this part for me’ etc.
The day came that the bumper needed to be fixed. And my only option was to keep my focus on what I wanted.
To not let the thoughts and body sensations of doubt make me give up, because believe me I wanted to.
Wishing that my current reality was different just so I could feel better!
(The habit of waiting for the magic pill had really kicked in

Thankfully I had truly practiced training my focus (straw through a potato) and I had been practicing and calibrating to my Higher Self Identification daily (even though the pull of the victim stories were so strong!)
Admittedly, initially I was trying to use brute force to bang the dent out and all that got me was bruises.
I brought my focus in even more and reminded myself that there is a way! There’s always a way.
I kept ‘seeing’ the bumper being restored and back to even better than it had been and feeling the emotions of satisfaction and completion.
Nothing was going to deter my focus from this! When we do this…there is no other option for reality!
This shows the power of true intention and choice!
And with the magic of boiling water, the handle of a screwdriver, my Superconscious focus and the right amount of pressure…the dent popped right back out 

I danced and clapped like I’d just won the olympics 

The car is back with the owner and all is well!
I share this story as a reminder that there is a way!
You can always redirect your focus and tell your Higher Self Identity story and continue to move towards what you would love!
You may get a bruise or two along the way and wish more than anything that it would just fix itself or that things could be different.
You may want to give up time and time again.
But there is no magic pill…YOU ARE THE MAGICIAN!
Choose what you want, and make the true intention for its creation.
Maybe you need to assistance in training your focus, your intuition and knowing how to step into your Higher Self Identification, so that you can become the magician of your life?!
Then I invite you join me in Redefined, my 6 week course where I will guide you so just that!
Send me an email for the details, would love to talk with you to see if this the perfect fit for you