1:1 coaching sessions – Ignited your Soul
Joanne is an intuitive transformation and Natural Success Coach. She specialises in enabling her clients to be their own leader and to be the creators of their dreams. Her coaching approach involves supporting clients to live and create from their own genius, their talents, strengths and creative abilities.
This is 3, 6, 9 month commitment into yourself. There two 1:1 sessions every month, lasting 60-90 minutes each
ReDefined 6 week 1:1 course
The premise of this course is that now as an adult you get to consciously redefine yourself, and choose the identities that best you as you grow and expand. The core topics are
- how you created your identity and how redefine it through the wisdom of your Higher Self
- knowing how to dissolve the pull of the ego and limiting beliefs
- harnessing the power and structures of 3 of the Laws of the Universe
One time 1:1 Higher Self Identity session
In this 2 hour intuitively led session, you uncover your next Higher Self Identity. This identity creates the energetic pathway and nervous system capacity for you to step into and live your next level potential in your life and business.
This is especially for the ambitious, heat-centred leader that simply requires a ‘tune-up’ or upgrade of her identity and focus.
Greatness & Shadow Reading
A 30 minute intuitive reading for you to become more aware of your Shadow (egoic limitations) – unconscious beliefs, definitions & behaviours
AND what lies in your Greatness, that part of you that is connected to everything, through all time and space.