Acupuncture is a healing process that is rooted in Traditional Eastern Medicine and has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of conditions. It is a gentle and effective therapy and is continuously growing in popularity in the West.
It is used to help create a state of balance within the body; to allow for the smooth flow of energy or Qi. (The Qi moves through channels or meridians within the body.) It is this that is the basis for Traditional Eastern medicine, a blockage or shortage of Qi or Qi flowing in the wrong direction causes disharmony and therefor if left untreated can lead to more serious symptoms and conditions.
Many things in our daily lives affect how the Qi moves within the meridians – diet, stress, overwork, disease pathogens, environmental factors and other lifestyle factors. As a TM practitioner I look carefully for these signs of health and dysfunction and pay close attention not only the presenting signs and symptoms but to medical history and current lifestyle, general constitution and the tongue and the pulse
Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair fine, sterile needles into specific locations (acupuncture points) on the body. These chosen points (depending in the TM diagnosis) fall along the meridians to help clear blockages and encourage the normal flow of Qi within an individual’s body.
Other methods may be used to stimulate the acupuncture points, such as moxibustion,cupping, electro-acupuncture and massage in order to re-establish the correct flow of Qi.